37th Cayo Belmopan Phoenix Scout Group partnered with the Belmopan City Council to hold Belmopan Kids Movie night. Belmopan City Council led the movie,

Excellent cooperation and partnership that provides development and visibility on Scouting in our communities. congratulations Belmopan Phoenix Scouts

37th Cayo Belmopan Phoenix Scout Group

Last night 37th Cayo Belmopan Phoenix Scout Group partnered with the Belmopan City Council to hold Belmopan Kids Movie night. Belmopan City Council led the movie, ‘The Little Mermaid’ and gave all participants popcorn. Phoenix Scout Group led the sales, camp fire and entertained the kids and parents with some repeat after songs. Our scouts and cubs performance was impressive. They showed true scout spirit. Our parents committee also gave marahmelloes which was roasted for the kids in attendance. This was truly a team effort. Thanks Belmopa  City Council and Mayor Sharon Palacio for giving us the opportunity to partner.
