Facts about The Belize Scout Foundation

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Fifty nine boys and girls participated in the 21st National Cub Scout Camp, which was held on July 6-9, 2011 at Camp Oakley, Burrell Boom. Under the theme, One Promise-Cubs do your Best, the program was designed to help the Cub Scouts develop intellectually, understanding the importance of keeping and practicing their promise and law while developing their skills to better communicate and interact with others, nature and the community.

The fun and interesting activities met their physical, emotional and social needs as they participated in round robin games, arts and craft, singing, nature walks and hiking to Boom where they were told stories on the history and growth of the Boom community. Throughout the camp, the Packs or sixes developed friendship and entertained each other with skits, songs and jokes at the Red Flower on their last night. The exciting moments were to roast marshmallows and sausages.

Nature itself challenged the activities and sleeping commodities of the camp and unfortunately, the heavy downfall of rain cancelled their field trip. Nonetheless, the children embraced the rain. Their favorite activities entailed getting prepared for Carnival in face mask and body paint. As the parade ended, they were surprised with some water-balloon toss, much to their delight.

Camp director, Ms. Yasmin Hulse, was supported by a team of Leaders and parents who assisted with preparing healthy balanced meals and coordinated the activities. The closing ceremony was held on the 8th evening where all participants received a certificate of participation or thank you for attending this year’s camp. Cub Scouts and Leaders hailed from Orange Walk, Belmopan, Burrell Boom and Belize City.

The Belize Scout Foundation was pleased to support the camp with a small grant of $1,000.00 to subsidize expenses associated with the event.